Gilsonite mineral originates from diverse locations from different mines, which results the technical data sheet be dependent on the material’s origin of exploitation. Also there are many aspects of natural bitumen which aren’t tested properly, and each origin tends to measure the characteristics which are considered their Gilsonite’s advantages.
As an example, neither American Gilsonite suppliers nor Iranian Gilsonite sellers do not emphasize on this important Gilsonite TDS item: Solubility in trichloroethylene –TCE– (commercially called the Bitumen Content). Or similarly another item which is solubility in carbon disulfide -CS2- is not mentioned in every TDS depending on the origin. So the data sheets provided by Gilsonite Suppliers usually lack the exact measurements. There are other similar examples in other origins as well, considering the specifications of the mineral bitumen sourced from that country.
At we have tried to gather trustworthy and reliable Gilsonite Technical Data Sheet from sources who can guarantee their specifications to an acceptable level. The TDS provided here are solely on behalf of the suppliers, and has no liability regarding the deviations of the specifications stated here and on the final supply to the buyers.
Gilsonite TDS Files:
American Gilsonite GPA Grade
Trinidad Lake Bitumen TDS
Iran Gilsonite by Zista Group
Asbury Carbons Gilsonite Binder
Iran Gilsonite by Sormak Mining
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